Kamis, 30 November 2017

CONTOH DIALOG Bahasa INGGRIS : Gratitude, Compliment, Congratulation (buatan sendiri)

Situation : 
Moana comes to Belle's celebration party.

Moana         : Hi Belle!
Belle            : Hi Moana! Thank You for coming to my party
Moana         : Welcome. It was great to hear about your winning in math competition yesterday. Nice done!
Belle            : Thank you for saying so, I have a lot to learn yet
Moana         : Please accept my warmest congratulations.
Belle            : I was just lucky to win it
Moana         : No, you deserve it. You know what? You are the smartest student in our math class.
Belle            : Thanks a million to say that. Nothing special actually.
Moana         : However, I must congratulate you.
Belle            : Thanks again. I will fly high and hit the moon if you compliment once again.
Moana         : Hehe... I'm telling the truth, right?
Belle            : (Blushing) By the way, enjoy the party, Moana.
Moana         : Of course I will. Aah, there is a lot of lemon cupcakes here, my favorite one!
Belle            : Sure, I ordered it special for you, my beloved best friend.
Moana         : What a treat! Thank you so much hehe
Belle            : It's okay, but first let's dance together, Moana
Moana         : Sure, would you dance with me, Princess? (acts bow like a professional)
Belle            : Sure.

made by myself in order to finish my assignment